Feeding Therapy
Feeding Therapy
Feeding and swallowing challenges can cause stress for the whole family. We have specialized experience working with medically complex infants and children, and we collaborate with all providers to find the best approach for each family. Our training and experience gives us confidence in treating any child, including premature infants, infants experiencing cardiac, respiratory, or gastrointestinal challenges, and children with genetic disorders, craniofacial differences, gastrostomy tubes, and tracheostomies.
Whether feeding by breast, bottle, tube, or progressing through solid foods, we will help your child thrive. Our lactation therapy, neonatal therapy and feeding therapy sessions will focus on:
Reducing stress at mealtimes through safe and efficient feeding
Optimizing outcomes pre- or post-tongue tie release
Improving oral motor skills for eating
Combatting bottle refusal
Expanding a child’s food inventory
Assisting with tube weaning
Providing realistic tips and activities for your family
“If you cannot feed one hundred people, then feed just one.” ~Mother Teresa